Rose Nordin
Currently exhibiting The Flesh of Language at ⟶ Project Arts Centre Dublin IRE  artist-in-residence at ⟶ Metroland Studios London UK previously at ⟶ Jan Van Eyck Academie Maastricht NL   developing work on the divine qualities of printed letterforms and alphabets under the project title: The talisman of the written word and the talking leaves.

Through her practice and research, Rose is interested in the publication as a site of exchange and collaboration, print technologies as tools for union, and letterforms as modes of magic.

As a designer, Rose primarily makes artist books and printed matter. This extends to exhibition and custom type design.


Selected projects

 Scorched Ceremonies: Published Paper Prayers  The Library Was ⟶ A Prayer Book ⟶ Shy Radicals ⟶ STUART Publishing ⟶ Practice Makes PerfectA Study of Publishing Practices in Malaysia ⟶  A Reimagining of Relations ⟶ Time in your handsStill I Rise ⟶ The Place is Here ⟶ KhidrMarkers ⟶ Not Before it has Forgotton You

Contact | instagram@amokamok

Current projects

CVAN (UK) Writers Room with Jack KY Tan, publication designer

Greylight Projects (NL)   What the Flag?! 2023 exhibiting artist

Gagosian (UK)   Rites of Passage catalogue design

Prestel (UK/DE)   Eyes that Commit by Renee Mussai book design

D.A.A.P (UK) Contributing archivist for artist’s publishing with Banner Repeater

industria & a-n network (UK) Structurally f—cked artist leaks report graphic design

Recent projects

Cromwell Place (UK)   Inventory, performance video screening Malay Magic: Animisms

Cubbit (UK) Department of Unruly Histories exhibiting designer with Larena Amin

Drawing Room Gallery (UK)   The Time of our Lives Catalogue Design

Limestone Books (NL) Limestone Deposits (from the archipelago) artist take-over

The Showroom (UK) & FRAME (FI) Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities exhibiting artist

Documenta 15 (DE) Seni Kenduri with Projek Rabak exhibiting artist
Whitechapel Gallery (UK)
London Open 2022 catalogue & web design
Nicolleti Contemporary  (UK)
Total Climate graphic design
The Design Museum
(UK) Future Observatory book design
The Third Pole exhibition identity design  

UCL (UK) ⟶ Objects of the Misanthropocene exhibition design  

Recent project features

Art Monthly, April 2023  Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities 

Journal Safar VII, Networks
London Centre for Book Arts Books: Art, Craft & Community
Curating as Feminist Organizing


Co-founder Art publishing collective OOMK 
Rabbits Road Press
Advisory board member The Bower Gallery
Associate lecturer University of the Arts London
Book designer
Silver Press
Developing Your Creative Practice Grant
Arts Council England

Selected past


Somerset House Studios  Artist-in-Resident

iniva Research Associate 

British Council Malaysia  International artist research grant
A-N Network Artist research grant, Japan
Portland Institute of Contemporary Art
International Artist-in-Residence
University of Chicago
Arts & Social Practice Fellow

Selected talks


TATE Modern (UK) Eyes that Commit with Renée Mussai

Books are Bridges (NL) Publishing Waste talk and workshop

Tai Kwun Contemporary (HK) Distributing Zines with Red Letter Distro
BookWorks (UK)
Graphic Negociations with Rosa-Johan Uddoh
The Whitworth  (UK)
A Reimagining of Relations with Jade Montserrat
Somerset House (UK)
Activism in Print with Rosalie Schweiker 
AWE Gallery (MY)
Print culture in Malaysia